Notes From Ed Text

It’s Never too Late to Scratch Items Off Your Bucket List


A friend recently sent me the below pic. He took a trip to the beach, and while sunning himself on the pristine sands, caught up on some reading.

Bucket List Bolinao Beach Ed Kopko

Can you guess where that beach is? I’ll give you a clue: it’s not in the United States! (Don’t worry if you can’t guess it, I’ll reveal the answer in the postscript.)

Gazing at the pic–and especially at the idyllic vista and clear blue water with my book’s tagline, “A fresh approach to living a life with no regrets”–got me thinking about bucket lists. Specifically, the regret that comes with unaccomplished goals on people’s bucket lists.

ForbesMindBodyGreen, and others have created lists of common regrets, and universally, one of those regrets is always about a goal not realized. In fact, a research study concluded that failure to live up to goals and aspirations makes up the majority (72%!) of enduring regrets that stick with people the longest.

I’ve written about figuring out what’s important to you and finding inspiration from that, but this time I’m talking about the list you already have in your head, the one that contains the things you want to do before the final curtain call: your bucket list.

Regardless of your age, everyone has a bucket list. And no matter what your age may be, the story of your life isn’t done being written. There still time to do the things on your list!

Do you want to visit the Great Pyramids in Egypt? Go scuba diving off the Great Barrier Reef? Or maybe you just want to spend some time with your family at the beach?

Bucket List Ed Kopko Boldy Beach

Whatever is on your list, there’s still time. Make your life all it can be. Live bold and with no regrets.

So do what my friend did, and pack up your flip-flops and copy of PROJECT BOLD LIFE, and hit the sand.

It’s never too late to scratch items off your bucket list!

Keep living Bold!


P.S. PROJECT BOLD LIFE: The Proven Formula to Take on Challenges and Achieve Happiness and Success is a complete system for planning your life to get what you want, and has been a top seller in three categories: “Motivational Growth & Spirituality”, “Personal Success & Spirituality” and “Management Skills”. I hope you check it out if you have not purchased a copy.

P.P.S. The mystery beach in the picture above is… Bolinao, in the Philippines! Thanks to Manuel “Wacks” Siocon for the beautiful view!

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Ed Kopko

Project Bold Life

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