
As you know, I publish business stories on Bold Business regularly, with my latest story published this week along with polling results about employees attitudes on return to work. I hope you will read it as it is one of my more important pieces of the year.
The question of the future of work and where it will be done has been foremost on my mind for months. I believe there is an immutable trend driving what I have coined the “Come-to-Me Economy.” As a CEO of a global entity, I made sure my company pivoted to remote work when we first went into lockdown, and it’s been great. Productivity has increased and my team is happier with reduced costs of commuting, more personal time and less stress. But not every boss shares my sentiment.
To gain insight on the remote vs. in-office work debate, I conducted a remote work survey throughout July, 2021 (as the Delta variant grew more prevalent). I asked readers their preferred workforce policy, and almost 70% preferred full-time remote work, with 93% preferring working remotely in some capacity. As a society, we went from farm to factory to cubes to anywhere, and now anyone fighting to put workers back into cubicles is on the wrong side of the future.

There are more stats, and more analysis I gleaned from the numbers, and you can read it all in the article here. If you’re uneasy about returning to the office while the Delta variant threat grows, then this story is a must-read.
As for me, since COVID hit I’ve been working from home and loving it!
Please check it out!
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