Notes From Ed Text

Does COVID-19 Make Living Bold Impossible?


living bold during covid note

I’m sure COVID-19 has disrupted your life and made it feel like it’s on “pause”. Plans are on pause, the future is on pause, thinking big is on pause.

It hit me, too. When this whole COVID-19 lockdown was thrust upon us, I was stuck at home just like you. But I was also knee-deep in the process of finishing my book, PROJECT BOLD LIFE: The Proven Formula to Take on Challenges and Achieve Happiness and Success. Beyond just writing, there were marketing and publishing aspects that had to get done, and it was all put on hold. Would COVID-19 stop me from releasing the book I had worked so hard on?

COVID-19 is a challenge, a different one for sure. But like any other challenge that people face, eventually you have a choice to make. Will you let the challenge win or will you take that challenge on? There are some very specific steps people follow to successfully take on challenges and I write about them in Chapters 2 and 3 of my book.

Remember: any Bold Goal worth accomplishing requires a healthy dose of “challenge” to make it worthwhile. I put my book on a short pause, but now I’m following my own advice and turning a setback into an opportunity. I am looking to successfully market a book in this new environment. As we get closer to the publication date, I will share more details. I am embracing my virtual book launch, virtual author appearances–the works. I am looking to seize this moment in book marketing! There are even some pretty cool ads we have started to run…like this one!

So my question to you is: Will you live Bold during COVID-19?

So stay tuned, stay healthy, and stay bold!

All the best,

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Ed Kopko

Project Bold Life

Ed Kopko with his book Project Bold Life
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