
Challenges. Ugh. The word usually does not bring up positive thoughts.
The “Challenges” chapters in my book have been commented on often from readers. As I have written, how to “take on” challenges is a must have skill set. I also make a distinction between positive and negative challenges in the book.
Not all challenges are truly negative. Some are actually pretty positive! In addition, the act of taking on certain challenges–and overcoming them–can often lead to some fantastic rewards.
Think about some of the great things in your life that you have accomplished. Were there challenges to get there? Of course, if it was easy the accomplishment simply would not be as great.
Yes, writing a book is a challenge. But so is a hard workout, a difficult test in school, raising a kid, or running a marathon. Yet all of these examples are things whose completion can mean a huge sense of accomplishment!
On the other hand, there are definitely challenges that have no silver lining–like certain medical conditions with lasting effects (i.e., loss of hearing, a terminal diagnosis, etc.).
Both types of challenges–the ones with a positive aspect and the ones with no upside whatsoever–share one thing in common, though: they stand between you and your Bold Goal, and invariably make accomplishing your Bold Goal so very rewarding. In order to achieve happiness and success, challenges must be dealt with.
Below is a word cloud that spells out a bunch of positive challenges. Keep it in mind when you’re faced with an obstacle or setback. Not all challenges should be viewed as bad things. But even if the challenge before you has no positive aspect, it’s still an essential ingredient in the recipe of a Bold Life. Take it on!

What challenges are you facing? Are you taking them on?
Thanks for taking this journey with me!
Be safe and be bold.
All the best,